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Ars Goetia Tarot Deck Collector’s 1st Edition all-in Bundle with Guidebook


Ars Goetia Demon Tarot Deck illustrated by Jim Pavelec

COLLECTOR’S 1st Edition Deck and hard-cover Guide Book with Golden High-lights. All unlocked rewards from successful Kickstarter campaing included! Hexenhammer 2021.


Behold the Ars Goetia Tarot! A new 72 demon tarot deck fully illustrated by artist Jim Pavelec. Now after successful Kickstarter campaign we offer our customers a chance to order rare 1st edition of this beautiful Tarot Deck. This bundle is a Collector’s 1st edition Tarot Deck accompanied by hard-cover guide book. Orders of the Collector’s all-in bundle include 80cm  x 80cm Council of Pandaemonium divination table gaming board, 60cm x 60cm Temple of Solomon divination table gaming board,  16,5″ x 23,4″ Valefor wall Poster, 16,5″ x 23,4″ Buer wall Poster.


Jim Pavelec’s majestic dark artwork will allow you to delve into a world of great demonic Kings, Dukes, Marquises, and the rest of the demonic hierarchy through a grotesque visual style never seen before.


The Ars Goetia Demon Tarot Deck is a unique divination deck of 72 beautifully illustrated cards and it includes a lavishly illustrated hard-cover guide book. From  guide-book you will find descriptions of every demon in the deck, including artwork. The book also explains how cards of the deck can be used in readings with Council of Pandaemonium and Temple of Solomon divination table gaming boards.


King Solomon completed construction of the great temple in Jerusalem around 950 BCE. To aid him with this monumental task, he enlisted the assistance of 72 demons over which he had power. The Ars Goetia is an ancient grimoire (book of magic) which contains a list of those demons and describes how they can be summoned and controlled. The Ars Goetia tarot deck features new visual interpretations of the demons listed in the original book. With this tarot deck you can channel the power of these demons for yourself.


By ordering this bundle, you will receive the Collector’s 1 st Edition of Ars Goetia tarot deck and the hardcover guide book. It contains 73 fully illustrated professionally printed 2.75″ x 4.75″ cards with gloss finish in a beautiful box featuring demon Buer. The Collector’s Edition Deck also includes an special artist signature & sigil card featuring the first painting Jim made for this project. You will also receive a foldable  80cm x 80cm Council of Pandaemonium divination table board, 60cm x 60cm Temple of Solomon divination table gaming board,  16,5″ x 23,4″ Valefor wall Poster, 16,5″ x 23,4″ Buer wall Poster.


Hexenhammer is proud to publish Jim Pavelec’s vision of the Goetia. With this Ars Goetia Tarot deck, you will be able to harness the power of its demons for your own purposes. By knowing their true seals and nature, you will win their loyalty, support, wisdom, and gifts. Terrible as endless night, and beautiful as dawning light, the Infernal Host is ready to bring glory to those who are brave enough to make a pact with them.






Ars Goetia Tarot Deck Collector’s 1st Edition and Guidebook


Ars Goetia Demon Tarot Deck illustrated by Jim Pavelec

COLLECTOR’S 1st Edition Deck and hard-cover Guide Book with Golden high-lights. Hexenhammer 2021.


Behold the Ars Goetia Tarot! A new 72 demon tarot deck fully illustrated by artist Jim Pavelec. Now after successful Kickstarter campaign we offer our customers a chance to order rare 1st edition of this beautiful occult Tarot Deck. This bundle is Collector’s 1st edition of Ars Goetia Tarot Deck accompanied by hard-cover guide book. Orders of the Collector’s edition bundle also include 80cm  x 80cm Council of Pandaemonium divination table gaming board.


Jim Pavelec’s majestic dark artwork will allow you to delve into a world of great demonic Kings, Dukes, Marquises, and the rest of the demonic hierarchy through a grotesque visual style never seen before.


The Ars Goetia Demon Tarot Deck is a unique divination deck of 72 beautifully illustrated cards and it includes a lavishly illustrated hard-cover guide book. From  guide book you will find descriptions of every demon in the deck, including artwork. The book also explains how cards of the deck can be used in readings with Council of Pandaemonium and Temple of Solomon divination table gaming boards.


King Solomon completed construction of the great temple in Jerusalem around 950 BCE. To aid him with this monumental task, he enlisted the assistance of 72 demons over which he had power. The Ars Goetia is an ancient grimoire (book of magic) which contains a list of those demons and describes how they can be summoned and controlled. The Ars Goetia tarot deck features new visual interpretations of the demons listed in the original book. With this tarot deck you can channel the power of these demons for yourself.


By ordering this product, you will receive a rare Collector’s 1 st Edition of Ars Goetia Tarot Deck and the hardcover guide book. It contains 73 fully illustrated professionally printed 2.75″ x 4.75″ cards with gloss finish in a beautiful box featuring demon Buer. The Collector’s Edition also includes a special artist signature & sigil card featuring the first painting Jim made for this project. You will also receive a foldable Council of Pandaemonium divination table board.


Hexenhammer is proud to publish Jim Pavelec’s vision of the Goetia. With this Ars Goetia Tarot deck, you will be able to harness the power of its demons for your own purposes. By knowing their true seals and nature, you will win their loyalty, support, wisdom, and gifts. Terrible as endless night, and beautiful as dawning light, the Infernal Host is ready to bring glory to those who are brave enough to make a pact with them.






Malleus Maleficarum – The Witch Hammer


The Witch Hammer by Heinrich Kramer

Legendary Witchhunter’s manual Malleus Maleficarum (The Witch Hammer) by Heinrich Kramer as LIMITED COLLECTOR’S Edition (Hand-numbered & limited to 666 copies) with Gold details on cover, spine and back. Hardcover 1st edition. Size 27cm x 23, 270 pages, illustrated with 28 original pictures, originally from 1486, languege: english (Montague Summers translation). Hexenhammer Books 2023.

“Certain it is that the Malleus Maleficarum is the most solid, the most important work in the whole vast library of witchcraft. One turns to it again and again with edification and interest: From the point of psychology, from the point of jurisprudence, from the point of history, it is supreme.” – Montague Summers

“But the theory that modern witches are tainted with this sort of diabolic filthiness is not substantiated only in our opinion, since the expert testimony of the witches themselves has made all things credible; and that they do not now, as in the past, subject themselves unwillingly, but willingly embrace this most foul and miserable servitude.” Heinrich Kramer

“The Malleus Maleficarum is one of the world’s few books written ‘sub specie aeternitatis’. – Montague Summers

Collectors hand-numbered edition made only 666 copies. Book is bound roundspined hardcover with gold highlights on cover, spine and back. Red page marker ribbon is included. Book has pages 270. Language is english. Hexenhammer Books 2023: limited red/gold edition. Originally from 1486.

This book is a true rare treasure for every book collector and to everyone who is interested occult subjects like witchcraft, magic, supernatural and demonology. We hope that our customers enjoy this book as much as we do in Hexenhammer!

A Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft


A Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft by William Perkings


LIMITED COLLECTOR’S 1. Edition (Hand-numbered and limited to 666 copies) with Bronze High-lights. Hexenhammer 2021


By the lawes of England the theefe is executed for stealing, and we thinke it just and profitable; but it were a thousand times better for the land, if all witches, but especially the blessing Witch might suffer death. For the theefe by his stealing, and the hurtfull Inchanter by charming, bring hinderance and hurt to the bodies and goods of men; but these are the right hand of the Devil, by which he taketh and destroyeth the soules of men.”


Various occult subjects of this Codex include True Nature of Witchcraft and Witches alliance with the Devil. Different Forms of Witchcraft, Divination & Spells, Necromancy & Summoning, Witches of All Ages and their Supernatural Allies, Witches Tools like Hex Dolls, Staves & Curse Jars, Ways to Recognize Witches and Test them & Witches Gifts, Craft, Recipies and Forms by Detail.


The Power of this Prince of Darkenesse, being above the might of all sensible Creatures, and every way seconded by the greatnesse of his knowledge and experience, manifesteth it selfe herein, for the most part, by workes of wonder, transcendent in both sexes; sometime in matter of Divination, sometime by Inchantment, sometime by rare sleights and delusions; other whiles by hurting, by curing, by raising of Tempests, by speedy conveyance and transportation from place to place and all to purchase unto himselfe admiration, feare, and faith of the credulous world, which is usually carried away with affectation and applause of signes and wonders. His policie, appeareth in a wise and exquisite manner of framing and conceiving both his practises and grounds; the one to procure credit and intertainement; the other that he may not faile of his purpose, but proceed upon certainties.”


Here Satan applyes himselfe to mans measure and at his owne will, drawes the minde into errour, by his delusions and impostures. This made the Samaritans in the Old Testament, and the superstitious Athenians in the Newe, to worship an unknowne God, that is, the Devil. Hence it was, that the greatest Clerkes of Greece, Gil Thales, Plato, and the rest; for want of a better light, sought unto the Wizzards of Egypt, whom they called Prophets, men instructed by Satan in the grounds of Divination. And of this sort were Jannes and Jambres mentioned in the Scriptures. Hence it was also that the ancient Heathen, having no lawe and Testimonie from God, inquired at Soothsayers, and murmuring Inchanters; others betooke themselves in matters of doubt and difficultie, to the olde Oracles of Jupiter Ammon in Libya, of Jupiter Dodonaeus at Dodona in Epirus; of Apollo at Delphos, of Jupiter Trophonius in Botia, and the rest; where the Devil gave the answer, sometimes one way, and sometimes another”


The book is hand-numbered collector’s edition made only 666 volumes. It is bound roundspined hardcover codex with bronze folio highlights on cover, spine and back. The book has 192 pages and fine quality illustrations. Bronze page marker ribbon is included. Book’s language is English. Hexenhammer 2021. Limited green/bronze edition. Originally from 1631.



This book is a true treasure for every book collector and to everyone who is interested in occult subjects like witchcraft, magic and demonology. We hope that our customers enjoy this book as much as we do in Hexenhammer!

The Wonders of the Invisible World


The Wonders of the Invisible World. Observations as well Historical as Theological, upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils by Cotton Mather.


LIMITED COLLECTOR’S 1. Edition (Hand-numbered and limited to 666 copies) with Silver High-lights. Hexenhammer 2020.


The subject of the book is the notorious Witch trials of Salem (Massachusetts) in 1692. A story of Salem witches is told by an eye-witness, the puritan witch-hunter, clergyman-scientist and historian Cotton Mather. As a man of sword and faith and a prominent scientist, Mather was intrigued by the events that occurred in Salem and he wrote against of using torture to get testimonies from women of Salem. He was also against the use of spirit witnesses as a reliable source of information. Despite his efforts to discover the true essence behind these evil forces, many innocent people in Salem were convicted of their crimes of practicing witchcraft and making a pact with the Devil. Many witches of Salem eventually faced torture and finally a hangman’s noose in the gallows. Mather continued his work as a researcher and witch-hunter for the rest of his life, but what he faced as a young man in Salem, haunted him for the rest of his life. This book tells his true story and his first-hand experience facing the legions of Hell and their willing and frenzied servant in the town of Salem.


The book is hand-numbered collectors edition made only 666 volumes. It is bound roundspined hardcover codex with silver folio highlights on cover, spine and back. The book has 200 pages and fine quality illustrations. Page marker ribbon is included. Language is English. Hexenhammer 2020. Limited blue/silver edition. Originally from 1693.



This book is a true treasure for every book collector and to everyone who is interested in occult subjects like witchcraft, magic and demonology. We hope that our customers enjoy this book as much as we do in Hexenhammer!